It’s always been important to me to give people something they can take home and use right away. Whether it’s teaching fractions to a distractible student or reconnecting with the heart of a prodigal who is walking away. . .if you don’t take away something that makes a difference in your life, you may as well have stayed at home and gotten the laundry done.
Carol is a fresh, fun and popular Christian conference speaker unlike any you’ve heard before. Her objective is to have the wit of Erma Bombeck crossed with the depth of C.S. Lewis, but admits that on most days, she only achieves a solid Lucy Ricardo with a bit of Bob the Tomato.
While her humor will have you leaning sideways, her faith is solid stuff. She may speak about her first born son’s 13 surgeries, her own family’s many ADHD challenges, or her personal faith walk from being a God-denying atheist to the most grateful recipient of God’s amazing grace. But whatever the topic, this woman speaks from the heart. She knows why she knows what she knows.
A word that is often used by those who’ve heard Carol is hilarious. But almost as often you’ll hear the word transparent. She share snapshots of life, some pretty, some not so much, but always with an eye for the truth to be taken from living.
How is Carol different from other speakers?
God uses beautiful and polished speakers for a variety of His purposes. But I clearly serve a different purpose. I’m the one who can send each audience member home with a lovely little gift bag in which they carry the happy thought, “If THAT woman can do it, so can I.” Feel the empowerment.
A gift to you from the Short & Squat speaker’s bureau.
Can I hear what she sounds like?
Click on this photo to watch a
4 minute video.
Where Can I Find More?
Carol has a media kit over on a Pinterest board entitled “Speaker Info” full of quotes, usable photos, links to articles and videos, and much more.
Take a look HERE.
Where will she be in 2015?
- Tennessee Teach Them Diligently in Nashville
- Indiana IAHE at Indiana State Fair Grounds
- Colorado Focus on the Family for recording
- Michigan INCH in Lansing
- Ohio Teach Them Diligently in Sandusky
- Virginia HEAV in Richmond
What does she write and talk about?
Her topics include Christian humor, leadership for women, teaching and/or possessing the highly distractible mind (owning one herself she prefers to call this condition Gloriously Unregimented), advice and inspiration for parents of prodigals, and Christian thought—for which makes every attempt to be inspiring but occasionally simply borders on provoking
She’s been a guest commentator on Focus on the Family’s Weekend Magazine radio program (over 30 times so far—but who’s counting?) where she’s spoken on a variety of humorous topics ranging from not being ready to be a Titus woman (“Titus”, as she reminds us, rhymes with phlebitis and thus should be approached with caution) to why angels need a new public relations manager (after she heard a little girl in Christmas play loudly proclaim that boys can’t be cast as angels.) She’s either written for or been written about in many magazines including Proverbs 31, Clubhouse Magazine, Parents Magazine, The Old Schoolhouse, Crosswalk, Thriving Family, Just Between Us, ADDitude Magazine & HomeLife. (hear some of her Focus on the Family moments HERE) <insert link or imbedded weblog?
Her latest book deals with the serious topic of her journey away from God and into 13 long years as an atheist. In this book, Engaging Today’s Prodigal: Clear Thinking, New Approaches, Reasons for Hope, the reader is given intimate access inside the mind and thoughts of a prodigal who left the faith of her pastor father, became an active atheist, and eventually discovered truth in a relationship with Jesus. It also shares many strategies and suggestions based on her experience that give parents proactive things they can do to better connect with their own prodigal.
Parents of Prodigals
A Prodigal Speaks—Lessons learned on a journey from a Christian home to atheism to faith.
Topics for Leadership Groups
A Day in the Life of a ______ (insert your leadership group. Pastor’s wife, Youth Group Leader, Women’s Ministry Team).
If Thou Seekest Thee Deep Appreciation, Goest Thou Quickly. . .and Buyest Thee a Dog.
Topics for Homeschool Events
17 Years of Homeschooling and I Hardly Twitch at ALL Anymore
Don’t Miss the Gift in This Child
What Are You Thinking?—Learning Styles and Beyond
Homeschooling 101
Give Your Child a Love of Missions—An Awesome Yearlong Unit Study
Help! How Do I Teach the Distractible Child (two separate hour long presentations)
Help! I Fell Off My Lesson Plan
Teaching a Child to Read. . .Made Easy
Creation of a Co-op
Topics for Women’s Groups
Margins for Moms—Limits That Liberate
Oddly Wrapped Gifts—Finding God’s Gifts in Life’s Toughest Moments
You Can’t Touch Me—Developing an unshakeable core that holds when the world shakes you.
If I’m Diapering a Watermelon Then Where’s I Leave the Baby?—Getting a handle on life’s distractibility.
Your Children Will Rise Up and Call You Blessed. . .Yeah Right.
Aren’t You Just Precious?—and other veiled insults.
Who’s My Woman at the Well?
Empowering the Shy Child
Topic of Your Choice
If you’d like a specific topic addressed, please feel free to ask. Carol can, if time permits, create a custom made talk for your group.
If you’d like to have Carol as a guest speaker for your group or have some questions, please use the contact form for more information.
Quotes from others
“Hope you had your seatbelts on for that one!” –Conference Director from Maine
“I have cried almost every time I have opened your book because no other woman I have known has ever struggled like I do and I’ve never had real solutions to any of these issues. Your book has immediately destroyed lifelong strong holds the enemy has held over me and boosted my self-worth because of the truth God has used you to reveal to me that I am not a mistake and He purposely designed me this way. WHAT AN AWESOME TRUTH!!!!”
“ I just wanted to thank you for coming to the conference this weekend. I was blessed to attend 3 of your talks. I was thoroughly encouraged and gently corrected. I was NOT seeing their challenges as gifts. Thank you so much for readjusting my lens.”
Article and Commentary of Carol’s
The Joy of MONO-tasking (debunking the myth of the need of more multi-tasking) Focus on the Family Weekend Magazine My commentary starts at time marker 37:10
“She Never Had a Rejection” (a funny piece about meeting a writer who’d never ever gotten a rejection letter) in Word Serve Water Cooler
“Pet Peeves & Grace” (As writer’s progress in their skills, they must remember to be gracious to others starting out) in Word Serve Water Cooler
ARTICLES FOR HOMESCHOOLING MOMS—to assist them in teaching writing.
Writing—It’s the Starting That’s Stopping Us—This piece first appeared in The Old Schoolhouse Magazine in 2010 and credit must be given to them. It provides loads of ideas on how to get your kid started when they seem stuck at the beginning.
A Different Kind of Writing Class – From my Sizzle Bop Blog giving moms another approach to writing for the reluctant writer.
Why Does My Child Hate to Write? – This link is to Heart Of the Matter Online, but the piece was original to The Old Schoolhouse, 2007 and must be given credit.
This is perhaps the best book review I’ve ever received. It’s the kind of review authors dream of, the kind of impact you only dare hope you might have on a reader.
Until They Come Home in Charles Stanley’s In Touch Magazine
Mommy Tasking in Thriving Family Magazine
Gracious Receiver in Thriving Family Magazine
Emerald Books (A Division of YWAM Publishing)
- How to Get Your Child OFF the Refrigerator and On To Learning
- If I’m Diapering a Watermelon, Then Where’d I Leave the Baby?
- The Big WHAT NOW Book of Learning Styles
Carol’s Pinterest Board called “The Writing Life”
Church Humor piece “Tongue, Be Thou Loosed” used on Focus on the Family’s Thriving Pastor online ministry