What if you’re NOT Martha Stewart?

I denied that my son’s distractibleness had ANYTHING to do with me for the longest time. But I eventually had to own the fact that not only had the apple fallen close to the tree, it had immediately run up to the tree, grabbed hold with arms and legs and loudly proclaimed, “I’m Yours!” –Carol Barnier


Book description

At last, a gloriously unregimented mom shares stories and strategies that help other highly distractible moms run a genuine, joyful, and successful home and homeschool!

This book offers lots of practical tools to keep chaos at bay, and helps moms develop their strongest qualities — qualities that perhaps have been seen as weaknesses. Best of all, you will find new reasons to be excited about who you are, and you will discover how the qualities you possess are true gifts from God that make you a real asset to your family.


Learn how working with your personality traits instead of constantly fighting against them makes it possible for you to:

* keep track of items that get lost at the worst possible moment

* actually arrive on time or even early

* access whatever information you need whenever you need it

* limit the pesky interruptions that get you off task

* get stuff to organize itself so you have more time to spend with your family

* organize and run a delight-driven rather than ADD-driven home or homeschool



“This book provides help for the highly distractible mom. Although some women seem to be naturally organized, efficient, and on top of things, Carol Barnier recognizes that she is just not one of those women. However, she has learned that just because she doesn’t have these particular gifts doesn’t mean she isn’t gifted. She wrote this book to help similar moms who struggle with keeping their lives organized (and between young kids, homeschooling, and running the house, who doesn’t struggle?). Not a “how-to-change-yourself-to-become-organized” book, it instead offers tons of practical and useful suggestions to make things run smoothly from schooling to household tasks. Like Carol’s other book, this one is a joy to read, with plenty of amusing stories woven around the helpful tips.” – Melissa at Rainbow Resource